Backyard Pool - Tether Workouts
So you have a pool in your backyard, but it's too small to do laps in. Here are some ideas of Sets and Workouts for you! Please remember you should NEVER swim alone, always have someone watching you. If you are unsure of something, ASK your parents or coaches! And most importantly, be SAFE!!!!!
Swimming on a tether is less about laps, and more about Heart Rate, Stroke Rate, Stroke Count, and Rest. You can compare something like :30 of Free to a 50 Free, but the focus should remain on HR, SR, and SC. Also, swimming on a tether requires much more mental focus, with the additional challenge of being held back and not actually moving!
Workout #1:
1 x [20 Strokes Free]
(Rest 1:00)
1 x [12 Strokes Backstroke]
(Rest 1:00)
1 x [10 Strokes Breaststroke]
(Rest 1:00)
1 x [8 Strokes Fly]
(Rest 1:00)
1 x [20 Strokes Free]
(Rest 1:00)
Kick Set:
3 Rounds:
1 x [30 Free Kicks]
(Rest :30)
1 x [15 Breast Kicks]
(Rest :30)
1 x [15 Fly Kicks]
(Rest :30)
1 x [30 Free Kicks on Back]
(Rest 1:00)
Long Axis Set:
4 Rounds: (Rd 1&3 = Free, Rd 2&4 = Backstroke)
4 x [10 Strokes]
**Increase Stroke Rate every Repeat**
(Rest :15)
4 x [12 Strokes]
**Increase Stroke Rate every Repeat**
(Rest :15)
4 x [14 Strokes]
**Increase Stroke Rate every Repeat**
(Rest :15)
4 x [16 Strokes]
**Increase Stroke Rate every Repeat**
(Rest :15)
1:00 REST between Rounds
Workout #2:
This workout contains a Drill called the Salo 50. Watch the following YouTube video to learn how to do it.
You can make it harder by wearing socks. If the socks are falling off, you can use hair ties around you ankles to keep them on.
Everything in this workout should be done with a tether...EXCEPT for the Salo 50's
1 x [20 Strokes Free]
(Rest 1:00)
1 x [12 Strokes Backstroke]
(Rest 1:00)
1 x [10 Strokes Breaststroke]
(Rest 1:00)
1 x [8 Strokes Fly]
(Rest 1:00)
1 x [20 Strokes Free]
(Rest 1:00)
Salo 50's:
3 Rounds:
5 x [Salo 50] (Rest :15 Between Each)
(Extra Rest 1:00)
1 x [20 Breast Kicks] (Rest :15 Between Each)
(Extra Rest 1:00)
5 x [Salo 50] (Rest :15 Between Each)
(Extra Rest 1:00)
1 x [20 Fly Kicks] (Rest :15 Between Each)
(Extra Rest 1:00)
5 x [Salo 50] (Rest :15 Between Each)
(Extra Rest 1:00)
4 x [3 Fly Kicks / 2 Breast Kicks] (No Break Between Repeat)
Short Axis Set:
4 Rounds (Rd 1&3 = Breast, Rd 2&4 = Fly)
4 x [8 Strokes]
(Rest :15)
4 x[ 9 Strokes]
(Rest :15)
4 x [10 Strokes]
(Rest :15)
4 x [11 Strokes]
(Rest :15)
1:00 REST Between Rounds
Long Axis Set:
4 Rounds:
1 x [10 Free Strokes]
(Rest :20)
1 x [10 Back Strokes]
(Rest :20)
Workout #3
1 x [8 Strokes Choice - Moderate]
(Rest :30)
3 x [14 Strokes Free - Smooth]
(Rest :30)
2 x [4 Fly Kicks/14 Strokes Free/4 Breast Kicks]
(Rest :30)
4 x [7 Strokes Free - Build Strokes 1-7]
(No Rest)
Free Set: (Fast Tempo the whole way)
10 x [8 Strokes Free] @ 1:00
(Rest :30)
10 x [8 Strokes Free] @ :55
(Rest :45)
10 x [8 Strokes Free] @ :50
(Rest 1:00)
10 x [8 Strokes Free] @ :45
1 x [3:00 Smooth Swim]
(Rest 1:15)
10 x [8 Strokes Free] @ :40
1 x [3:30 Smooth Swim]
(Rest 1:30)
10 x [8 Strokes Free] @ :35
1 x [4:00 Smooth Swim]
(Rest 1:45)
10 x [8 Strokes Free] @ :30
1 x [4:30 Smooth Swim]
(Rest 2:00)
10 x [8 Strokes Free] @ :25
1 x [5:00 Smooth Swim]
(Rest 2:15)
10 x [8 Strokes Free] @ :20
1 x [5:30 Smooth Swim]
(Rest 2:30)
Warm Down:
2 Rounds:
1 x [16 Strokes Choice - Smooth]
Workout #4
1 x [10 Strokes Free - Smooth]
(Rest :30)
1 x [8 Strokes Back - Smooth]
(Rest :30)
1 x [6 Strokes Breast - Smooth]
(Rest :30)
2 x [3 Strokes Right Arm Fly, 3 Strokes Left Arm Fly]
(Rest :10)
Variety Set:
3 Rounds:
3 x [3 Strokes Fly / 10 Kicks Free / 3 Strokes Breast/ 10 Kicks Free]
**Free Kick = Arms extended & Head up**
(Rest :30)
4 x [3 Strokes Right Arm Fly 3 Strokes Left Arm Fly]
(Rest :30)
4 x [2 Strokes Breast w/ Fly Kick / 2 Strokes Breast / 2 Strokes (2K/1P) / 2 Strokes Breast]
(Rest :30)
8 x [Free Kick for :30]
(Rest :20)
Warm Down:
3 x [6 Strokes Choice - EZ]
(Rest :30)
Workout #5
1 x [8 Strokes Choice - Moderate]
(Rest :30)
3 x [14 Strokes Free - Smooth]
(Rest :30)
2 x [4 Fly Kicks/14 Strokes Free/4 Breast Kicks]
(Rest :30)
4 Rounds:
1 x [3 Strokes Fly - Build 1-3]
(Rest :10)
1 x [3 Strokes Breast - Build 1-3]
(Rest :10)
Fly/Back, Kick/Swim Set:
4 Rounds:
2 x [10 Strokes Back - Smooth]
(Rest :20)
2 x [4 Fly Kicks - Hard, 3 Breast Kicks - Hard]
(Rest :20)
2 x [12 Strokes Back - Faster pace than before]
(Rest :20)
2 x [4 Fly Kicks - Hard, 3 Breast Kicks - Hard]
(Rest :20)
2 x [14 Strokes Back - Faster pace than before]
(Rest :20)
2 x [4 Fly Kicks - Hard, 3 Breast Kicks - Hard]
(Rest :20)
2 x [16 Strokes Back - Faster pace than before]
(Rest :20)
(Extra 1:00 REST between Rounds)
4 x [4 Strokes Free - Moderate]
(Rest :15)
Workout #6
Note: This workout involves pushing off the walls and bottom and may not work with all pools.
1 x [4:00 Easy Swim Laps, Not Tethered]
1 x [2:00 Easy Kick Laps, with Board, Not Tethered]
1 x [2:00 Easy Pull, with Tether]
1 x [2:00 Easy Swim, Perfect Technique, with Tether]
Push-Off Practice & Drill Work:
8 x [:15 Explode of Wall, then :15 Easy]
(REST :15)
8 x [: 30 Water Polo Drill, then :30 Easy]
(REST :15)
8 x [: 30 Fast Swim, then :30 Easy)
(REST :30)
6 x [1:00 Fly Kick on Back in Streamline, with Fins]
(REST :15)
Not Tethered
8 x [:30 Vertical Kick or Tread Water]
(REST :15)
4 x [Blast Offs w/ Vertical Fly Kick, then Sprint to other end of pool]
(REST :30)
1 x [3:00 Easy Swim, Not Tethered]